Before publication, you can share your data with external reviewers or the publishers.
Hosted by an experienced data center, Chemotion repository can store your research data reliably and securely.
Keep your research data findable and accessible and collect descriptions about the data. Based on DataCite Metadata Scheme.
Tie Digital Object Identifier (DOI) to your research data. This registers your data in DataCite and makes it identifiable, searchable and citable.
Choose which license is suitable for your research data to allow others to re-use your data.
Release your research data and pass an internal review that ensures data quality.
Put an embargo on your data. This allows you to delay the publication of your research data. You can release to make your research data visible to the public whenever you are ready.
With LabIMotion: Tailor your modules or benefit from the availability of new elements, sections, and dataset templates that can be tailored to meet scientists' specific requirements.
Exposes your research data using the Open Archives Initiative Protocol for Metadata Harvesting (OAI-PMH). OAI-PMH is a protocol developed for harvesting metadata and we support representing the metadata of your published research data.
With Chemotion APIs, transfer data easily from your ELN to the Chemotion repository.
Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
The KIT foundation honors excellent contributions to chemistry research with the Chemotion Award.
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Registry of Research Data Repositories
Funded by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.
NFDI4Chem is building an open and FAIR infrastructure for research data management in chemistry.
Listed in the DFG catalogue for Research Infrastructures.
Helping you to find, access, and reuse data.
The molecule and dataset metadata are available via a low-barrier mechanism for repository interopability.